clic+ is an educational conference, exhibition and networking event specifically crteated for event organisers by Robinson College. It takes place within the world renowned University of Cambridge.
The organisers describe the event as “a must attend” for anyone who’s role involves hosting or organising events. They say “this event will help you with the latest best practice and ideas to maximise delegate engagement”. As such, Absolute wanted to show delegates some of their latest AV equipment to do exactly that.
Hire Manager Brian Cook explains “We took a range of the latest interactive and time saving devices such large touch screens, wireless PA systems and wireless LED lighting to show organisers just how easy and fast it is to create engaging conference sessions that look stunning”
Brian continues, “it was a really worthwhile day and we were able to re-connect with some existing clients and meet some potential new business contacts. We know Robinson really well and it’s always great to work with their friendly team. I’m sure we’ll be back next year”.